  Still Life with tangerines and small glass bottle by Marco Gasparri Andante Allegro (detail) oil on panel, 35 x 40 cm

Gallery MG is now permanently closed
High quality Giclée Art Prints are available for some of the paintings, starting from € 32 (frame and mat not included).
NB Your order will be processed with secure and fast payment by credit card through a link from my PayPal account, easy transaction, no additional costs.
Available Giclée Art Prints

Artwork on commission: I like to paint also commissioned still lifes in oil with fruit or flowers or other subjects of your choice. Feel free to email me for more information.

WHOIS PUBLISHER PRIZE 2022, edition of "HIMMELBLAU ArtCompass" edited by Art Domain Whois Publisher.

NOMINEE of PALM ART AWARD 2021, Germany (for the fourth time)

PALM ART AWARD 2020, Special Prize Painting, Germany
Motivation: Your work is very inspiring for us all and we wish you many more creative ideas and successes for your future artist career!

PALM ART AWARD 2018, Merit Award, Germany
Motivation: For the outstanding quality and originality of your art the jury of PALM ART AWARD 2018.

2nd International Prize LEONARDO DA VINCI 2018, Florence, Italy.
Motivation: The Prize is for the Artists that are worth for their artistic merit.
Note: The award was given to a certain number of international painters.